About Us

Hello everyone, my name is Moreno, and I am passionate about everything related to 3D, from design to printing.

It all started 4 years ago when I had to rely on a mechanical engineer and a 3D graphic designer for the realization of my first patent, we collaborated for almost a year before the final prototype saw the light! The costs I faced for the realization, both for the digital version and for the physical one, were very expensive, and sometimes during the whole development I felt down in the dumps and as if there were insurmountable obstacles ahead of me, but I gritted my teeth and I moved on till the realization of my project.
Despite the difficulties, working closely with this team intrigued me and my curiosity for the 3D world became a passion!
Not having the financial resources to realize all my ideas, I downloaded a 3D drawing program, then with the purchase of a small resin printer, I started printing my first resin patent prototype!


Moreno Scarpa

Web Master & Social Media Manager

Marco Tranfaglia